FACTS/Family Portal:
You will use your family portal to pay tuition, pre-pay for lunch, check grades and see announcements. Please note that we are a cashless campus, all incidentals including gym uniforms, vocab books, parking passes, and tech repairs will be charged to your FACTS account.
FACTS has created a five-minute Family Portal Overview video to introduce you to the portal. Please watch it at your convenience by clicking here. The password to access the video is Portal.
PARENT HELPLINE: 866-441-4637
Quick Links:
Student Uniform Shopping Guide
Students enrolled in Physical Education are required to purchase two gym shirts, a pair of shorts, and a lock.
Parking Pass Rules and Regulations - Cost $100.00 per school year.
59er Flyer Before School Transportation - if interested please contact the main office.
Catholic Parish Verification Form SY 23-24